Lirik Lagu Epik High – Lullaby For A Cat beserta Terjemahan Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu Epik High – Lullaby For A Cat beserta beserta terjemahan Indonesianya agar kamu lebih memahami maknanya.

에픽하이 (Epik High) – Lullaby For A Cat beserta
Genre : Rap / Hip-hop
Release Date : 2019-03-11
Language : English

Oh damn
Volume way up on my phone
next to my head on the floor
beats on repeat
the rain tap dancin’ on my
Whoever said no pain no gain
don’t know pain
Intimately like I do
As infinitely as I do
Been lied about and lied to
too many times to fight it
Some bridges were built to burn
No need to help ignite it
A party of one or party of none
please keep me disinvited
Tuck you in
as I tuck another tear
behind my eyelids

Good night

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Terjemahan Indonesia:

mohon maaf terjemahan belum tersedia

Originally posted 2019-03-11 19:21:22.

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