Lirik Lagu THE BOAR’S HEAD CAROL Lyrics – KING’S SINGERS Terjemahan Indonesia


Berikut ini adalah lirik lagu THE BOAR’S HEAD CAROL Lyrics – KING’S SINGERS beserta terjemahan Indonesianya agar kamu lebih memahami maknanya.

The boar’s head in hand bear I,
Bedecked with bays and rosemary;
And I pray you, my masters, be merry,
Quot estis in convivio.
(‘You who are at this feast.’)

(Refrain:) Caput apri defero,
Reddens laudes Domino.
(‘The boar’s head I bear,
giving praises to the Lord.’)

2. The boar’s head, as I understand,

Is the finest dish in all the land,
When thus bedecked with a gay garland;
Let us servire cantico.
(‘Serve by singing.’) (refrain)

3. Our steward hath provided this
In honor of the King of Bliss,
Which on this day to be serv-ed is,
In Reginensi atrio.
(‘In the royal hall.’) (refrain)

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Record Label(s): 1989 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd
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